FIGURE, by itself, creates a new figure window, and returns its handle.FIGURE 就是建立一個放置圖片或圖表的視窗。一般來說, 如果你要顯示一張圖片, 直接打
FIGURE(H) makes H the current figure, forces it to become visible, and raises it above all other figures on the screen. If Figure H does not exist, and H is an integer, a new figure is created with handle H.
imshow(w)MATLAB 會自動產生一個 figure 1 視窗, 然後直接將 w 這張圖片放上去,
imshow(x)MATLAB 會將圖片 x 放到 figure 1 視窗, 取代原先的圖片 w ,
若想要將圖片 x 放到 figure 2 之中, 就必須先用 FIGURE 指令產生一個新的 figure window 然後再執行 imshow(x) 指令。
figure, imshow(x);